Okay, second post. Experimenting to see how to post pictures. This is a picture of the Golden Princess that I found online. We're on the starboard side, room B419, with a balcony. We're planning to bring some rain gear and warm clothes and spend some time on that balcony, hopefully seeing some wildlife! I've read some reviews where folks were whining about not being able to use the balcony because of the rain. Did they not know that they were traveling along the coast of a rain forest? Some complained because it was cold...duh, it's Alaska, folks. I guess they heard the word "cruise" and assumed it was tropical. Anyway, I stopped reading those reviews. I know that there will be some lines and waiting. You can't put that many people in one place and expect the world to revolve around you. I bet the other two chicks and I can find the silver lining to the situations that we find ourselves in. It's just in our genes that way!
Did you say, duh? Too funny! You are always able to see the silver lining! Thankfully it is everywhere!